Investigation Skills

  • Observation
Watch really closely to see exactly what happens.  
What order do things happen in?
What caused what you saw or heard?
Do the experiment again to check what you think you saw.
  • Listening
First listen to understand instructions.
Listen and watch to notice changes.
Listen to identify what is happening.
Listen for changes in tone or pitch.
  • Questioning
Ask questions to get a better understanding.
Ask questions to clarify your thinking.
Ask probing questions to find out more.
Test your questioning and thinking by changing your experiment.
  • Testing Ideas
  • Identifying Variables
  • Changing Variables
Identify the things you could change about your experiment.
Make one change at a time to the activity you are doing.
Notice what happens when you make this change.

  • Experimenting
Just try different things to see and hear what happens.
  • Making Theories
Explain what you think is happening.  If you really understand then you will be able to make a PREDICTION about what will happen when...
  • Making Connections
Think about the learning you are doing.
Make connections with what you have discovered and things you notice in your everyday life.

Skills of a Scientist
Watch very carefully and notice what really happens.

Say what you think will happen before you do an experiment and give a reason for your thinking.

Adjust and make a change to an experiment. Notice what happens when you make just one change.

Explain why something happened.  Give reasons why this happens.  Think creatively.
Asking Questions?
Why does…
How does…
What if…
What is…
How is…
Recording Observations
Scientists draw diagrams, measure things and write down results

Use this book as a record of your science learning.
Using equipment safely

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